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I have seen many attempts by our Democrat controlled legislature to infringe on our rights. Some of the changes we’ve all seen especially over the past 4 years are communistic; destroy the family structure, take away gun ownership, undermine the judicial system, use various methods to take away property rights, increase taxes, control kids in schools by not involving parents. Polis continues to seek our kids now at preschool age. The younger the population the greater opportunity to influence!!

Where I stand

Protecting our children. 
We all have read and even encountered the reality that our public school system is failing to teach the basics in education. Our kids fail to meet grade level expectations. 
Efforts have been used to infringe on our parental rights of knowing what is being taught in our schools. Many times, we find that what is being taught is not reading, writing and arithmetic, but someone else’s belief system which is outside the family values and morals. 
Parents must be involved and be kept informed by the schools. I was a preschool teach mom, a home room mother, and a sports mom. As a parent, my children were my responsibility.
Parents must be informed when our children are making life changing decisions! The law that passed that allows our children to make medical and sexual decisions without parental knowledge must be withdrawn!!
Parents have a right to seek the best education possible for their kids. I will continue to support school choice. When a school isn’t teaching the kids to meet grade level expectations, place the child in a better learning environment.
I will continue to support police officers in the schools. We’ve encountered too many situations where nefarious persons have selected schools that are  gun free zones to attack our children. We must protect our kids in school.

Property rights
There are ongoing efforts to attack our property rights under the guise of Affordable Housing, Land Use Code, High Density Building, and of course the old raising taxes!  There are those who truly believe that no one should own property, this is known as Communism. We do have legislators that now admit they are Communist/Socialist after running as Democrats. We must constantly be aware and read through all proposed legislation and regulation changes made under the afore mentioned headings.

The Taxpayer Bill of Rights, makes it clear that the legislature is to get approval from the taxpayers before instituting any bill that uses taxpayer monies. TABOR is a law to keep the legislators from spending without approval by the taxpayer. TABOR monies, we found just recently, still owes the taxpayer more money. Shocking!! When will the taxpayer receive those monies? Without TABOR we will be taxed without representation. Will we need another Tea Party? The Democrats continue to seek to raise our taxes. I believe in less taxes, less government!


Energy Independence
Over the last 4 years we’ve seen our Country buying oil from other countries. We have plenty of our own natural gas and oil here in our own Country. Why should we depend on and then owe another country or countries when we have what we need here in our own Country. Common Sense says, use what we have here, build up (replenish) our reserves. Take care of our own. Bring back jobs, security, stability. We’ve been told Colorado has the most stringent regulations for our oil and gas industry.


Constitutional Rights
I believe they are the guiding light for our way of life and for those that make our laws. Our Constitution is under attack, in particular are our 1st and 2nd Amendments and our Civil Rights.
Freedom of Speech. Over the past 4 years we've all seen corruption taking place in our judicial system. Our laws have been turned upside down. We find voters don't have Standing. We've seen we are now guilty until proven innocent. We have the J6ers being held without due process or a speedy trial Amendment 5 and 6.
Right to Bear Arms. Our Second Amendment is more important than ever before. The Open Borders policy that the Biden Administration has created has resulted in the influx of unvetted persons and increased crimes. I will continue to stand by our 2nd Amendment.
Civil Rights. The rights to life, liberty and property. This also pertains to our elections.

Election Validity
Over the last 4 years I have researched Colorado Election laws and rules. Sadly, our election system has been corrupted in many ways. Our Civil Rights have been violated because the law has not been followed. Many continue to certify our elections without thorough knowledge of our election laws!
We have a Secretary of State who has through efforts along with our Democrat controlled legislature taken away elections control from the local level and given it to the state.
We used to vote at precinct level, paper ballots, hand counted, 1 day election day, use of absentee ballots not all mail-in ballots. Now we use a central location to count ballots by machine. 
We used to be able if wanted/needed to be able to hand count our ballots along with the machine count, that option is no longer available to us! Have we had audits? Should Rank Choice Voting be enacted, there will never be an audit, and machines are the only option for counting that type of election, and election winners’ determination will take even longer. 
I believe we gave up our vote (our voice) for convenience using all mail-in ballots, drop boxes, and machine counts.
Currently our residency requirements to vote in Colorado is only 22 days!! I will continue to work to seek residency requirements of at least 6 months minimum, possibly a year. We must have proof of citizenship! We must use State issued photo identification. Especially with our broken borders!!
We have lots of work to do to reclaim our elections, to regain trust in fair and honest elections! We must continue to vote. Not voting has cost us elections many times by a singular vote!


Respect & Right to Life for the disabled, the elderly, the pre-born
I volunteered for 20 years in Larimer County seeking to improve the quality and care of life for nursing home residents. As the founder and president of a 501c3 organization I needed to learn the Federal, and State regulations governing nursing homes including the Medicaid rules. I found the nursing home population is a most vulnerable population whose voices are not heard. I worked to develop interactions with local, state, and federal agencies and legislators representing the consumer voice. I published a pamphlet “How to Select Quality Care in Larimer County” hoping to assist families in planning for placement in the nursing homes. I also worked with nursing home staff learning that many times staff didn’t know that Medicaid money was available to assist staff in providing the necessary care for the residents, including wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, lifts, electric lifts, electric beds, etc. Many times, it came down to the staff deciding will they use those Medicaid monies to improve care, or will they keep their costs down so they can qualify for money back from Medicaid, because they kept Medicaid costs down.
I was able to assist those nursing home residents and other advocates in the development and enaction of the 1987 Nursing Home Reform Law. That law required mandatory training of the nurse aides who provide the daily care to the nursing home residents. Yet, there is still so much more to be done in informing and educating everyone involved in caring for those requiring assistance in their daily lives.
As a woman and a mom, I am Pro Life. Nothing compares to holding a newborn especially after you carried that life for 9 months. When I married birth control pills were just coming on the market. I found after using them I couldn’t get pregnant when planned. Both my kids I consider unplanned births. We managed. Grateful we had insurance that would cover the birth of our babies.
I never considered abortion. I don’t remember abortion being discussed then as much as it is now. Yes, women have control over their bodies. Because we do have control over our bodies, do we really know what abortion does to our bodies and the life we carry? I worry that many of us women don’t know. We must really consider the total affects abortion has on us emotionally, physically, and financially. I pray that we all get the most current information available and seek out opinions and options from many resources now available to us. Our well-being depends on it.

Website paid for by the committee to elect Phoebe4Colorado, Phoebe McWilliams Registered Agent.

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